Tag Archives: Jerry Forsyth

Jerry Forsyth Remembers Tokyo and Just How Good Was Efren

Ming Ng talks about her career in pool and how pool is like fine wine. Then Jerry Forsyth talks about the 2001 Tokyo Open and just how good Efren Reyes was back then.

Show Features: Mike Howerton, Ming Ng, Jerry Forsyth

Running Time: 39:25

One Night In Milwaukee

Dennis Orcollo and Roberto Gomez talk about the Dennis/Shane challenge match and the Texas Open. Then Corey Deuel joins Jerry Forsyth and Mike to talk about the infamous Camel Pro Tour stop in Milwaukee when Earl forfeited in the finals against Corey.

Show Features: Mike Howerton, Jerry Forsyth, Corey Deuel, Dennis Orcollo, Roberto Gomez

Running Time: 54:25

Tornado On TV

Jerry Forsyth talks about the concept of the “Greatest Of All Time” and makes some comparisons in the pool world.

Vivian Villarreal talks about her upcoming tournament and all of the other things she has working in pool right now.

Show Features: Mike Howerton, Jerry Forsyth, Vivian Villarreal

Running Time: 52:27

Tornado Open Website: https://www.thetornadoopen.com


A Kinder Gentler Fireball, And The History Of The Camel Tour

Mike talks to Mike Dechaine about his Super Billiards Expo win and where he is currently at in his pool career.
Then Mike talks to Jerry Forsyth about the history of the Camel Pro Billiards Series

Show Features: Mike Howerton, Mike Dechaine, Jerry Forsyth

Running Time: 1:10:23

Veteran Steps Down – WPS Steps Up

Red hot Sky Woodward checks in live from the WPS in NYC, and Jerry Forsyth of AZ Billiards chats with Mr. Bond about his rich career in the world of pool and his future plans to retire and step away from the hustle and bustle.

Running Time: 38:42


Pandora’s Ivory Box

The billiard world is now witnessing the very real effects of tighter ivory regulations with the arrest and trial of renowned cue maker Ernie Gutierrez. Tonight we’ll be discussing some of the details of his case gleaned from court documents. Jerry Forsyth talks about the launching of the new monthly publication from AZ Billiards.com

Running Time: 49:15


Black Is Back

Team USA has a card up it’s sleeve and her name is Serena Black. Meet a junior team member who plans on keeping the Atlantic Challenge Cup trophy right here at home. Jerry Forsyth introduces a new 10ball championship that is sure to rock the North American pool scene.

Show Features: Serena Black, Jerry Forsyth, Mike Howerton, David “Mr. Bond”

Running Time: 36:48


A Great Day For The Irish

2016 is a good year for pool with 4 “new” events added to the calendar. Join us for a chat with pool veteran Jerry Forsyth as he describes the new WPA World 8Ball event slated for later this year. Don’t forget to visit our new ABR gift shop

Show Features: Jerry Forsyth, Mark Cantrill, David “Mr. Bond”

Running Time: 45:51


Old Friends For Sale

Tonight we hear from Barry Behrman about his player payment issues, his passion, and his recently announced decision to sell the U.S. Open and retire. What will become of this huge iconic event?

Show Features: Mike Howerton, Jerry Forsyth, Barry Behrman, Mary Ann Starkey, John Cielo, Scott Lee, Randy G.

Running Time: 1:24

Happy Holidays

From all of us, to all of you, have a Merry Christmas and a great new year too!

Show Features: David “Mr. Bond”, Mark Cantrill, Mike Howerton, Jerry Forsyth, Alison Fischer, Mary Ann Starkey, Rick Bryant, Angel Levine, Daniel Busch, Dennis Walsh, Doug Gordon, Ian Brock, Mark Wilson, Randy G., Scott Lee, Will Prout.

Running Time: 8:13