Monthly Archives: October 2015

Get Your Head In The Game

In our “Halloween Edition” we have Mark Cantrill and Mr. Bond discussing the various U.S. Open debacles this year, as well as the Mosconi Cup implications. Mr. Bond also chats with nationally renowned Dr. Chris Stankovich about the pressures being faced by the U.S. Open finalists and the best ways for them to keep their mental game on target.

Show Features: Mark Cantrill, Dr. Chris Stankovich, David “Mr. Bond”

Running Time: 55 mins


Higher On The Wire

Join us for a chat with On The Wire Creative Media, a new multi-media marketing team geared specifically for the pool and billiard world. Mike Howerton chats with Samm Diep and two of the juniors that will represent the U.S. in November at the World 9ball competition in China. Mark Cantrill speaks with trick shot/artistic pool champion Andy Segal about the current unrest amongst artistic pool players.

Show Features: Ra Hanna, Beau Runningen, David “Mr. Bond”, Sam Diep, Chris Robinson, Nathan Childress, Mike Howerton, Andy Segal, Mark Cantrill

Running Time: 1:27


A Visit Inside Johnny’s Head

Join us tonight for a round-table discussion with the American pool icon Johnny Archer, to hear his thoughts on the Mosconi Cup race, who might make the team, and his thoughts on the controversial “aiming systems” out there.

Show Features: Johnny Archer, Mark Cantrill, David “Mr. Bond”

Running Time: 49 mins


The Behrman Report

Tonight with host Mark Cantrill, we get an update from Barry Behrman, founder of the 40 year old U.S. Open 9ball tournament, about the status of things to come. The added money is all accounted for, the player field is all but full, Virginia avoided a direct hurricane hit, and Pat Fleming has taken on the extra responsibility of being the ” prize money czar”…..but will everything go as peachy as planned??

Show Features: Barry Behrman, Mark Cantrill, David “Mr. Bond”, Scott Lee, Randy G.

Running Time: 1:11


The View From The Top

Mike Howerton chats with author and WPA media rep Ted Lerner about pool in the Philippines, The Ko brothers, and pool in general. Mark Cantrill speaks with Abram Diaz about artistic pool players and their boycott-worthy issues with the promotion of their sport.

Show Features: Ted Lerner, Mike Howerton, Abram Diaz, Mark Cantrill, David “Mr. Bond”, Scott Lee, Randy G.

Running Time: 1:48